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пʼятниця, 29 грудня 2017 р.

New year is coming!

What Do People Do?

Many people spend most of December 31 quietly. They may spend time outdoors, reading the reviews of the last year in newspapers or resting in preparation for the New Year's Eve parties that begin in the late afternoon or evening. People who host parties may spend a large part of the day preparing food and arranging drinks. In the evening, New Year's Eve parties usually go on for many hours, well beyond midnight. Some, particularly young people, may choose to spend the evening in pubs, clubs or discos. Although there are many who celebrate the event responsibly with moderate amounts of alcohol, some celebrate the event with large amounts of alcohol, which can lead to fights and other acts of foolishness in the early hours of the morning.
Just before midnight, people turn on a radio or television to see the countdown of the last few minutes of the old year and the display of fireworks just after midnight. At this point, people often hug and kiss each other, even strangers, and many start singing Auld Lang Syne, a poem written by Scottish poet Robert Burns. In Scotland, the Hogmanay celebrations may last for one or two more days, as both January 1 and 2 are bank holidays. In the rest of the United Kingdom, only January 1 is a bank holiday.
In Scotland and some parts of northern England, people may spend the last few hours of December 31 preparing to be or receive first-footers. The first person to cross the threshold of a house after the start of the new year is a first-footer. First-footers are usually men and in different areas have different physical characteristics, such as blond or dark hair, bring different kinds of luck to the household in the coming year. They bring gifts, such as whiskey, shortbread, coal and fruit cake, which are then shared among all of the guests.

неділя, 10 грудня 2017 р.

контрольні роботи для 6-8 класів

до підручника Несвіт А.


до підручника Карпюк О.
6 кл.http://ukrdz.in.ua/zoshit-dlya-kontrolyu-angliyska-mova-6-klas-pavlichenko/

Read and complete the text with the words from the box.
blackboards                    lockers                mathematics                          computers 

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. It’s difficult to believe, but students there don’t need any books. Instead, students use (1)____________. Mathematics is taught with OneNote, a note-taking app, and teachers use computerized smart boards instead of traditional (2)_____________. Students use digital (3)________________ that open with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a. m. and end at 4.00 p. m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day. The school soon became successful. Students show good results in (4)__________________, reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

  Tick  the correct sentences. 
1) Are there’re any posters on the walls in your classroom? -----Are there any posters on the walls in your classroom? ____
2) The lockers are next to the canteen. ____
 The lockers are next the canteen. ____
3) Pupils mustn’t bring chewing gum to school. ____
 Pupils mustn’t to bring chewing gum to school. _____
4) The lessons start at 8.30, so the students needn’t come to school before 8.00.
 The lessons start at 8.30, so the students can’t come to school before 8.00. _____

Read and complete the text with the words from the box.

class                homework                      principal                                   students
Brooklyn Free School is divided into two. The upper school is for children between the ages of 11 and 18, and the lower school for (1)______________ between the ages of 4 and 11. This school is unusual as students can choose any (2)_________________ they want and may stay away from school if they wish. Besides the students are responsible for making the school rules. There are no tests, (3)____________, or grades. If a student wants to, he or she can call a meeting and discuss ideas with the whole school. As the (4)______________ of Brooklyn Free School says, they want every student to find his or her own way.

Tick  the correct sentences.
1) _____Are there a canteen next to your classroom?
   ______ Is there a canteen next to your classroom?
2______ The football pitch is opposite the entrance.
_______ The football pitch is opposite with the entrance.
 3)______ You needn’t worry — you are ready for the test!
    ______ You needn’t worrying — you are ready for the test!
4)______ Pupils have do their homework regularly.
   ______ Pupils have to do their homework regularly

Read the information and match each passage with the name of a club. There are three choices you don’t need to use. 
a) Sports Club b) Debate Club c) Journalism Club d) Computer Club e) Robotics Club f) Drama Club g) Art Club

1)________________ The club isn’t just about getting up on stage. There are also many behind-thescenes participants from scenery builders and lighting techs to stage managers.
 2) _____________________Being a part of the high-school newspaper will help you develop writing skills. That can be useful when you need to write some serious essay work in college or at work.
3)____________________ Participation in this club can be extremely rewarding. You’ll also learn about discipline, responsibility and teamwork. Plus, you get to stay in shape.
 4____________________) A club for students who are interested in programming and want to do something fun related to technology.

Read the information and match each passage with the name of a club. There are three choices you don’t need to use.
a) Book Club b) Dinner Club c) Debate Club d) Chess Club e) Modern Dance Club f) Tennis Club g) Songs for Smiles Club 
1)______________ The purpose of this club is to gather in the spirit of good cooking, share recipes, and learn about dishes. The club eats well, too.
 2)______________ Each year, members of the club select a list of works of literature to read and discuss. The club meets once a month on average, and all are welcome.
3)______________ We’re a group of this game enthusiasts interested in learning, playing and building strategies. We work to improve our tactics. Games and tournaments happen throughout the year. Join us.
 4)_______________ The mission of this club is to bring music to a variety of local audiences and to earn money, through donations, for an organization that provides free musical instruments to children who can’t afford buying them. Concerts occur once a month, usually on Sunday afternoons.

Match the parts of the situations. Fill in too or enough.
1) I can’t eat the soup.
2) We can’t sit in the garden.
3) I can’t understand this rule.
4) He can’t drive a car.
a) It is hot. b) It is difficult. c) He is not old . d) It’s not warm outside.

Match the parts of the situations. Fill in too or enough.
1) I don’t like this coffee.
2) Nobody could move the piano.
3) We couldn’t climb over the wall.
4) I don’t wear this jacket in winter.
a) It isn’t warm . b) It’s not sweet . c) It was high. d) It was heavy

субота, 21 жовтня 2017 р.


At the Airport

  • check in desk
  • boarding pass
  • passport
  • carry on luggage
  • checked luggage
  • security
  • customs
  • boarding gate
  • baggage carousel
  • currency exchange desk

At a Hotel

In the Hotel

  • double room
  • twin room
  • single room
  • bar
  • restaurant
  • pool
  • reception desk

In the Room

  • bed
  • pillow
  • blankets
  • television
  • door
  • lights
  • telephone
  • ensuite bathroom
  • towels
  • tea and coffee making facilities
  • key
  • bar fridge
  • safe
  • air conditioner

Types of Transport

  • bus
  • train
  • metro, underground, subway
  • ferry
  • taxi
  • car
  • bicycle, bike
  • motorcycle, motorbike
  • scooter
  • plane

Things for Travel

  • passport
  • tickets
  • traveller's cheques
  • map
  • guide book
  • itinerary
  • clothes
  • toiletries
  • suitcase
  • backpack
  • sports bag

Airport Customs

  • arrival
  • border
  • controlled
  • customs declaration
  • customs officer
  • departure
  • duty free
  • metal detector
  • nothing to declare
  • passport
  • permit
  • quarantine
  • scanner
  • screening point
  • security
  • sniffer dogs
  • something to declare
  • travel documents
  • visa
  • x-ray

пʼятниця, 13 жовтня 2017 р.



Remember the words:

cushion подушка
fancy подобатися
use a bike використовувати велосипед
arrival прибуття
mean мати на увазі
decision  рішення
oven духовка
hot жарко
 shower душ
be my guest ти мій гість

Remember the words:

don't move                                                                                 whole script
lucky guess                                                                                desert for lovers
apartment                                                                                   stomach
knock on the door                                                                     washing powder
advert                                                                                        quality
smooth                                                                                      melt over hot water
mousse                                                                                  separate the yolk from the white
huge audience                                                                            paradise
adorable                                                                                    be tired
make a big exit                                                                          ex hosted
stranger                                                                                     chase

change in career                                                                 call
wear                                                                                   crazy about
take off                                                                              shout
throw it out                                                                        luxury
lottery day                                                                         resign
pick                                                                                   quit
win                                                                                    disappeared
excited                                                                              arrange
keep calm                                                                         collect                                                                   dry cleaner's                                                                   wrong ticket
board                                                                                lose
wait                                                                                 fault

середа, 19 липня 2017 р.

Домашнє завдання Богдани

Подивись відео. Watch the Video.

 Learn the words. Вивчити слова.
This - цей, близько
That - той, далеко
There - там
Park - парк
Street - вулиця
Lake - ставок
Plane - літак
Boat - човен

Прочитай та переклади. Read and translate.

Jeny, Tony and Gogo are in the street. Look! What is that? That is a boat. How many are there? There are three boats. Look! What is that? That is a bird. How many are there? There are two birds. Look! What is that? That is a monkey. How many are there? There are six monkeys. Look! What is that?  That is a plane. How many are there? There are five planes.

Read the text. Прочитай речення.
Gogo, Jenny and Tony are in the zoo. Look, this is a tiger. It is black and orange. It is big. This is a zebra. It is not a tiger.A Zebra is black and white. Is this a tiger? No, it is not a tiger. It is panda. It is black and white. Look, this is a monkey! Is it black? No, it is brown.


Повтори цифри
Подивись відео і вивчи слова.

Картинки по запросу family vocabulary pdf

четвер, 25 травня 2017 р.

неправильні дієслова

Невизначена форма (Infinitive)Минулий час (Past Simple)Причастя минулого часу (Past Participle)Основні значеня
abideabode, abidedabode, abided, abiddenвиносити, терпіти; чекати
alightalighted, alitalighted, alitсходити; спускатися
arisearosearisenвиникати, з'являтися
awakeпрокинувся, awakedпрокинувся, awakedбудити; прокинутися
bewas, werebeenбути
bearboreborne, bornнести; народити
beatbeatbeaten, beatбити
becomebecamebecomeстати, зробитися
begetbegotbegottenнароджувати; породжувати
beholdbeheldbeheldбачити; дивитися
bendbentbentгнути, гнутися
bereavebereaved, bereftbereaved, bereftпозбавляти, віднімати
beseechbesought, beseechedbesought, beseechedпросити, благати
betbet, bettedbet, bettedсперечатися, тримати парі
bidbade, bidbidden, bid, badeпропонувати ціну
bidebade, bidedbidedвичікувати
bindboundboundзв'язувати; зобов'язувати
blessblessed, blestblessed, blestблагословляти
breedbredbredвигодовувати; виховувати
broadcastbroadcast, broadcastedbroadcast, broadcastedтранслюватися по радіо аботелебачення
burnburnt, burnedburnt, burnedпалити; горіти
burstburstburstвибухнути, вибухнути
bustbust, bustedbust, bustedзбанкрутувати; заарештувати
castcastcastкидати, кидати
catchcaughtcaughtловити, зловити
clapclapped, claptclapped, claptплескати, аплодувати
cleavecleft, cleaved, clovecleft, cleaved, clovenрозколювати, розколюватися
clotheclothed, cladclothed, cladодягнути
creepcreptcreptповзати; крастися
crowcrowedcrew, crowedкричати кукареку; радіти
dealdealtdealtмати справу
divedived, dovedivedпірнати
drawdrewdrawnтягти; малювати
dreamdreamt, dreameddreamt, dreamedмріяти; бачити сни
drinkdrankdrunkпити, випити
drivedrovedrivenгнати; їхати
dwelldwelt, dwelleddwelt, dwelledжити, мешкати
fitfit, fittedfit, fittedгодитися
fleefledfledтікати, рятуватися
flingflungflungкидати, кидати
forbidforbad, forbadeforbid, forbiddenзабороняти
forecastforecast, forecastedforecast, forecastedпередбачати, передбачати
forsakeforsookforsakenпокидати, залишати
freezefrozefrozenзамерзнути; заморожувати
getgotgot, gottenотримати
gildgilded, giltgilded, giltзолотити; прикрашати
gnawgnawedgnawed, gnawnгризти, глодать
gowentgoneйти; іти, їхати
grindgroundgroundмолоти, перемелювати
gripgripped, griptgripped, griptсхопити
hanghunghungвисіти; повісити
heaveheaved, hoveheaved, hoveпіднімати
hewhewedhewed, hewnрубати
hidehidhidden, hidховати, ховатися
hurthurthurtзаподіювати біль
inlayinlaidinlaidвставляти, вистилати
kneelknelt, kneeledknelt, kneeledставати на коліна
knitknitted, knitknitted, knitв'язати
laylaidlaidкласти, покласти
leadledledвести, приводити
leanleant, leanedleant, leanedнахилятися; спиратися
leapleapt, leapedleapt, leapedстрибати
learnlearnt, learnedlearnt, learnedвчити; дізнатися
leaveleftleftйти, залишати
letletletпустити; дати
lightlit, освітленоїlit, освітленоївисвітлити
meltmeltedmolten, meltedтанути; плавити
misleadmisledmisledвводити в оману
mistakeневірно розумівmistakenпомилятися; помилятися
misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodнеправильно зрозуміти
mowmowedmown, mowedкосити; жати
overtakeovertookovertakenназдогнати, надолужити
penpent, pennedpent, pennedзамикати, укладати
pleadpled, pleadedpled, pleadedпросити, благати
proveprovedproven, provedдоводити
quitquit, quittedquit, quittedкидати; припиняти
ridrid, riddedrid, riddedрятувати
rideroderiddenїздити верхи
riverivedriven, rivedрозривати, розриватися
sawsawedsawn, sawedпиляти; розпилювати
sewsewedsewn, sewedшити
shaveshavedshaved, shavenголити, голитися
shearshore, shearedshorn, shearedрізати; зрізати
shedshedshedлити сльози
shineсвітиласясвітиласясяяти; світити, світитися
shoeshod, shoedshod, shoedвзувати; підковувати
showshowedshown, showedпоказувати
shredshred, shreddedshred, shreddedшматувати; рвати на клаптики
shrinkshrank, shrunkshrunkзморщуватися
slideslidslid, sliddenковзати
slingslungslungметати; жбурляти
slitslitslitрозрізати в довжину
smellsmelt, smelledsmelt, smelledпахнути; нюхати
smitesmotesmittenвдаряти; розбивати
sneaksneaked, snucksneaked, snuckкрастися
sowsowedsown, sowedсіяти
speedsped, speededsped, speededприскорити, поспішати
spellspelt, spelledspelt, spelledписати або читати по буквах
spillspilt, spilledspilt, spilledпролити
spinspunspunкрутитися, вертітися
spitspatspatпронизувати, протикати
splitsplitsplitрозщеплювати; ділити на частини
spoilspoilt, spoiledspoilt, spoiledпсувати
springsprang, sprungsprungвскочити; виникнути
stickstuckstuckвколоти; приклеїти
stinkзасмерділась, stunkstunkсмердіти
strikestruckstruckбити; страйкувати
stringstrungstrungзав'язувати; шнурувати
sweatsweat, sweatedsweat, sweatedпотіти
swellswelledswollen, swelledроздуватися
swingswungswungкачати, гойдатися
taketooktakenвзяти, брати
telecasttelecast, telecastedtelecast, telecastedпередавати телепрограму
thrustthrustthrustпхати, засовувати
treadtrodtroddenступати, крокувати
undergounderwentundergoneвипробовувати; переносити
upsetupsetupsetперекинутися; засмучувати
vexvex, vexedvex, vexedдокучати, дратувати
wakewoke, wakedwoken, wakedпрокидатися, будити
weavewovewovenткати; плести
wedwed, weddedwed, weddedсполучати, з'єднувати
wendwended, wentwended, wentйти
wetwet, wettedwet, wettedмочити, зволожувати
windwoundwoundвитися, звиватися
withdrawwithdrewwithdrawnзабирати, відкликати
wringwrungwrungскрутити, стиснути